The Northeast Area Strings Academy of Wichita, Kansas (NASAW) makes the paper!
Below are dates of Wichita Eagle Newspaper articles that featured NASAW. Click on the article date to read the full story.
Thanks to Eagle Arts Writer, Chris Shull, for providing these articles for our web site.
July 25, 1999: A Musical Breakthrough -The Northeast Area Strings Academy of Wichita gives African American students an opportunity to change the dynamics of American classical music.May 20, 2001: Chamber Music at The Barn celebrates fifth season by unveiling even bigger plans.
August 4, 2001: Student spirituals concert. The Northeast Area Strings Academy of Wichita will conclude its eighth summer of providing low-cost private lessons to African-American student- musicians in Wichita with a recital today at the Kansas African American Museum.
July 8, 2002: String lessons offer students broader vistas. A program begun 8 years ago to encourage black students to play stringed instruments achieves far more than that.
July 21, 2006: Piece of history - Academy records CD for Nicodemus.
April 29, 2007: Violin for Beginners
July 21, 2007: Hip-hop goes classical at string academy
May 20, 2008: Strings Academy Seeking Students